Work Type Work Orders Work Order Line Items Service Appointments
In this blog, we will walk you through Work Type, Work Orders, Work Order Line Items and Service Appointments and how to create all these.
In simple words, Work type is a predefined template that can be used to describe the type of service that needs to be done. It contains information such as the name of the service, the estimated duration, required resource size, and other details that help in scheduling and assigning the work to the right people.
For every kind of service there is a specific skill set that is needed to complete a task which is called skill requirements. To add Skills under a work type, Open work type and go to the Related tab and add the skills under Skill Requirements Related lists by clicking on the new button. These requirements ensure that the right person with the right skills is assigned to each job.
Work type holds the information about the products that are required to complete the job. These Products will be listed in the related list called ‘Products Required’.
In Work Type, we have a checkbox called ‘Auto-Create Service Appointment’ which will create the Service Appointments automatically whenever a work order is created under that particular work type.
In the context of Salesforce FSL, Work Order is a task or job that needs to be completed in customer location. It helps to track field service activities like installation, repair or maintenance and schedule Service resources. It is a record that encapsulates all the essential details related to the field service activities.
Work order is created when a customer initiates a service request.
It can be created manually by service agents or automatically generated based on predefined business rules.
Essential Information will be entered including customer details, service location details, description of work that needs to be done and any relevant attachments if needed.
Work Orders can be created for the same work multiple times. To avoid duplication in work order, we can create a work type as a template and create work order under that work type. To know more about work type, visit our previous blog. Follow the below steps to create a work order,
Click the App launcher and search for ‘Work Orders’
Open Work Orders and click on the New button.
Optionally select Work type and enter other essential details.
We can add skills required to complete the service tasks to the work orders. This ensures that the right person is assigned to the job. To add this, go to the related list section and add the skills and level of the skill needed from the Skill Requirements related list. If these skills were added in the work type means that will be added to the work order automatically and no need to add from work orders.
Optionally select auto create appointment which will create the Service Appointment automatically.
When we create a work order from work type, the skill requirements listed in the work type also will be auto-populated in the work order. And other than those skills, we can also create new ones in the work order.
Some customers may have preferences / exclusion for certain technicians based on previous positive or negative experiences.Those resources will be listed as preferred / required or excluded resources.
In Salesforce Field Service Lightning, Work Order Line Items are subtasks of the work order that was needed to complete the service.
Work order line items are associated with parent work order. They provide a granular breakdown of the tasks or services associated with a specific job. Whether it is installations, repairs, maintenance, or any other service. Work Order Line Items enable organizations to manage and track each element with precision.
For example, let's consider a scenario where a customer has reported an issue with their air conditioning system. The work order is created to address this issue, and it includes several line items to capture the different tasks associated with the service.
Diagnosis and Inspection- Perform a diagnostic check on the air conditioning system.
Filter Replacement- Replace the air filter in the AC unit.
System Cleaning- Clean the AC system components for optimal performance.
Refrigerant Check and Refill- Check refrigerant levels and refill if necessary.
Final Inspection- Perform a final inspection to ensure the air conditioning system is functioning correctly.
Each line item represents a specific task in the process. Once each task is completed, the line item is checked off. The work order allows the team to track progress, allocate resources, and ensure that each step is completed efficiently. After all line items are completed, the work order will be completed & closed.
By breaking down a work order into individual line items, organizations can gain a comprehensive view of the tasks and services associated with each job. This granularity enhances the ability to manage resources effectively, track progress, and provide accurate billing for services rendered.
To create a work order line item,
Open Work Order
Go to Related tab
Under Work Order line item click new
Fill the details Product or Service, Asset details etc
Save the Work Order Line Item
A Service Appointment represents a scheduled period of time during which a field service technician is assigned to perform work at customer location. It helps to track field service work performed to customers. It can be associated with work order or work order line item.
Under a work order multiple appointments can be created and it will be assigned to the service resource based on skills, availability and other factors.
Service appointments can be auto created. We have an ‘Auto-Create Service Appointment’ checkbox field while creating a work type, if we select that checkbox, whenever we are creating a work order under that particular work type, service appointment will be created automatically.
Service Appointment holds the below information about the service to be performed.
Appointment details like Appointment Number, Related Account and Contact, Duration of the work, Status of the appointment etc.
The physical location where the service is to be performed. This could be the customer's address or a specific site where field service is required.
Scheduled time frame during which the service should be performed. Scheduled start time indicates when the technician is expected to begin the work assigned to them. By considering the duration of the appointment, once the assignment for the service appointment has been done, scheduled start and end date and time will be auto populated to the date the assignment has been performed even if you have manually given the start and end time.
Every Appointment has a due date which represents when the service should be completed. When we create a work type from a guided setup, if we select the ‘Auto-Create Service Appointment’ checkbox, ‘due date offset’ field value will determine the due date of the auto created appointment. The type of the due offset field will be in minutes.
As shown in the below image, whenever a work order is created under ‘Repair’ work type, service appointment will be auto created and its ‘Earliest Start Permitted’ will be the date work order is created and due date will be after 4 days of the day work order is created.
When we create a work type from ‘Field Service Admin’ or from the work type tab, if we select auto- create service appointment checkbox, by default, Appointment’s due date will be after 7 days of the day work order is created.
If you want to change the default value, Go to Setup -> Search ‘Field Service’ -> Select Field Service Settings -> Change the number of days
Service Appointment holds the information about the field service technician assigned to carry out the service. The assignment of a service appointment refers to the process of assigning a specific task or job to a service resource or field service technician. Dispatcher will do this assignment.
Primary goal is to match the right resource with the right skills and availability to a particular service appointment. So this assignment will be done based on the factors like skills, location, resource availability etc.
In upcoming blogs, the process of ‘How Resources are assigned to Service Appointments’ will be explained in detail.
To create Service appointments,
Open Service Appointment tab
Fill in the details Type of service, location, Scheduled start and end time etc
Save the appointment
You can create service appointments from work order or work order line items. From work order or line item, go to the related tab and under service appointment create new appointment. Once Service Appointment is completed, related work orders will be completed and closed.
So we got to know about how to create work order, service appointments to manage the field service operation effectively. Keep in touch we will deep dive into the FSL features in our upcoming blogs.