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How to Implement Multi-Language Support inLightning Web Components (LWC)?

In this blog, we will learn how to set up Service Appointments and assign them to the right people to get the job done.

How to Implement Multi-Language Support in Lightning Web Components (LWC)?

How to import custom labels in Lightning web components (LWC)?

Custom labels should be imported in the js file using the Import statement. Then it can be assigned to a variable and used in HTML. Follow the best practice of Adding All labels to an Array and use values from an array to avoid confusion.


Multi-Language Support in LWC


Multi-Language Support in LWC

When user language is English

Multi-Language Support lwc

When user language is changed to German

Multi-Language Support lwc
How to use custom labels in Apex Classes?

Custom labels are easily usable in Apex classes With the following syntax


Multi-Language Support lwc

The above code will return the translation value of the label for the current user language. If the translation is not added for the current user language, it will return the default value in the label.