Dispatcher is the person in the Field Service Lightning (FSL) context whose job is to organize service appointments related to each work request.
The term “Dispatcher” denotes the FSL player who will dispatch the service appointment for the related work order. It is the working space used by the dispatcher to book an appointment to the “Field Technician” with the dynamic map and customizable Gantt chart. Please refer to the “Click link” for the detailed knowledge on Service Appointment.
Navigate to the Dispatcher Console by clicking App Launcher ➡️ Field Service application ➡️ Field Service tab. When you click the “Field Service” tab, it takes some time to verify the permissions and load the master data of service territories, service resources, service territory members etc. Keep in mind that, to access this Field Service tab, Field Service Dispatcher Permission is required.
Left-Side Pane
The below image will describe the left side of the console.Policy(1): Admin-configured policies consist of a predefined set of rules and objectives that guide the schedule optimizer in decision-making. This is the designated location to select the policy that best aligns with the current schedule operations.
Territory Filtering(2): The place to change the service territories and configuration place to show the service appointment based on the territory selection.
Dispatch Console Setting(3): Scheduling Window Length, Service Appointments Per Page, Gantt Row Height etc. can be configured here.
Filter(4): Filter available for filtering the service appointment details. There is an option to create the new filters (Service Appointment fields). To create a new filter, In the Left-Side pane ,Click the Edit icon right of the filter ➡️ New ➡️ Enter the details and Filter Criteria for the service appointments ➡️ Save.
Service Appointment Panel(5): The panel exhibits the service appointment along with a set of displayed fields and provides the option to search appointments, aiding in the scheduling & dispatch process.
Schedule and Dispatch(6): Scheduling and dispatching can be accomplished through two methods: manually dragging the listed service appointment to the appropriate service resource or selecting the desired service appointment and utilizing the schedule button to automatically schedule it, taking into account all the configured mechanisms. To create the panel button for the Service appointment, Go to Field Service Admin ➡️ Field Service Setting ➡️ Custom Action Tab ➡️ Service List ➡️ New Action ➡️ Fill the value either type as Apex Class/Visualforce ➡️ Choose component ➡️ Save.
Right-Side Pane
On the right side, there are two tabs - GANTT and MAP. Additionally, a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is accessible on the panel at the top of the page for monitoring performance. To create new action for the Service Appointment, Go to Field Service Admin ➡️ Field Service Setting ➡️ Custom Action Tab ➡️ Mass Action ➡️ New Action ➡️ Fill the value - either type as Apex Class/Visualforce ➡️ Choose component ➡️ Save.
Gantt(1): The Gantt chart in FSL allows users to visualize and manage their field service appointments and schedules separated by the territories. It provides a graphical representation of tasks and their timelines, making it easier for dispatchers and field service managers to plan and allocate resources effectively.
Service Resource Filter(2): Charts displayed can also be filtered based on the service resource Hours, Resources, Skills etc.
Date picker(3): Charts displayed can also be filtered by the selected dates.
Timeline(4): The interface showcases the scheduled appointments categorized by territory and service resources.
Service Resource Menu(5): Gant Service Resource Menu available for performing the standard and custom operation required for the business. To create the new resource menu button, Go to Field Service Admin ➡️ Field Service Setting ➡️ Custom Action Tab ➡️Resources ➡️New Action ➡️ Fill the value- either type as Apex Class/Visualforce➡️ Choose component ➡️ Save.
Service Appointment Menu(6): Gant Service Appointment Menu available for performing the standard and custom operation required for the business. To create a new appointment menu button, Go to Field Service Admin ➡️ Field Service Setting ➡️ Custom Action Tab ➡️Gantt ➡️New Action ➡️ Fill the value- either type as Apex Class/Visualforce➡️ Choose component ➡️ Save.
Non Availability(8): Gantt will display the resource’s Non availability marker in the gatt indicating the resource is not available for the day. To Create the Non Availability for the service resource, Click the drop down next to the lock ➡️ Enter the details ➡️ Drag it to the gantt where the resource is not available.➡️ After that it will be noted on the gantt as label(10)
Resource Absence(9): Resource Absence will be displayed on the gantt when the Absence record get associated with the service resource.
Gantt charts in FSL typically allow for efficient resource allocation by displaying the availability and workload of field service resources. This helps in assigning tasks to the right personnel based on their skills, location, and availability and the policy.
Dispatchers can often use drag-and-drop functionality to adjust the timing and duration of appointments directly on the Gantt chart, making it easy to reschedule or modify field service assignments. If there is a violation of any policy or work rule, the schedule will be halted, accompanied by the appropriate error message
Dispatcher Console might integrate with mapping tools, offering a visual depiction of the location of field service resources, appointments, and work orders. It also offers real-time location tracking, visualizing assignments, optimizing routes, and geographical filtering.
Dispatchers can view the current locations of technicians and assets on a map, helping them make informed decisions when scheduling and assigning tasks.
Dispatchers can use maps to identify the most efficient routes for field service technicians, reducing travel time and improving overall operational efficiency.
Dispatchers can often use maps to filter and focus on specific geographic areas. This feature is useful for managing field service operations across different regions or territories.
Maps may offer color-coding options to represent different statuses or priorities of field service activities.
It sounds like we have covered key options provided in the dispatcher console. Keep in touch we will deep dive into these features in our upcoming blogs.